Storytelling activities
National Storytelling Week runs from 30th January to 6th February in the UK. It’s a week to celebrate the age old art of storytelling. A powerful tool that allows us to share stories that inspire and teach others.
“Storytelling can be found enriching lives everywhere. The sharing between teller and listener empowers, feeding the imagination from one generation to the next.”- Society for Storytelling.
To find out more about National Storytelling Week go to The Society of Storytelling’s website where there are plenty of links and downloads to inspire through another week of homeschooling:

We’ve also created a free print out to inspire storytelling with a Story Cube you can make at home today! Our story cube is based on illustrations found on the Tender Leaf Story Bag toy sets (details at the bottom of this post). If you don’t know, Story cubes are used like dice, start by rolling it, then the first image that is shown is where your story begins! You can help your child by suggesting common story openers like “Once upon a time…”, “Suddenly…” etc. The possibilities are endless and can be played on your own or with other family members.
All you need to do is print out the story cube below, ask a grown up to help you cut along the dotted lines. Then, colour in the illustrations, fold along the lines then add some glue to the outside tabs before joining together to make your cube. Stick onto thin card before cutting out to make your cube last longer. You could also trace this template then create your own images for each square.
For more ideas on Storytelling check out these useful links, including details about the fun preschool game of helicopter stories and a fab Paper Story Idea Generator activity: