Open-Ended Play

Exploring Imagination
We are taking learning through play to a new dimension with our brand new open ended play collection! Letting a child explore play without instruction is a wonderful way to challenge them to use their imagination and play without boundaries.

Playing With Confidence
Open ended toys are an amazing way for little ones to develop new skills. With open ended toys, there is no right or wrong answer, no end goal and no instruction. Children can therefore learn to be more creative and so grow in confidence.

Play Without Boundaries
Traditional toys such as games and puzzles bring important skills to the table, as you learn to make the right move or to complete the level. As children develop they learn to navigate their way through life understanding what is right and wrong.
Playing with open ended toys teaches your child that they can also make their own decisions, encouraging them to be creative. Independent decision making skills are important and can be used later in school, and in all sorts of social interactions.

Creative kids
We love the idea of creating a world in a tray, using sand and other found objects. Use recycled cling film found on fruit and veg containers to create the illusion of water and sand to help with balancing small parts.
Scout around the home for bits and pieces to add to some of our lovely landscape toys, and create a big world for your child's imagination!