Spooky Fun and Games

Spooky Fun and Games

Spooky Fun and Games

We love Halloween which is why each year we create lots of spooky themed activities for you to do with your family! The bonus for anyone in the UK is that Halloween generally always falls on the half term break too so the children have even more time to get spooky! This year we have used the faces from our What’s Up? Toy on a free printable so that you can create some scary expressions for your pumpkins.

halloween craft activity for children kids

Perfect for little ones to do who might be too young to carve a pumpkin. All your need to do is print out the Spooky Pumpkin printable from above, then carefully cut out the eyes and mouths ready to stick on to your pumpkin! You can use sticky back tape or a glue stick to attach to your pumpkin. All eyes and mouths can be used upside down too to create even more expressions so you can make your pumpkin happy or sad depending on his mood!

pumpkin craft

Now you’ve made your pumpkins for your home don’t forget to make some mini ones for your dolls house too!

mini pumpkin craft

 This is a really simple activity that all children will love plus it involves a walk to find conkers! All you need are a few conkers, orange paint (acrylic works well) and a thin black marker pen like a sharpie.

craft activity for halloween

Paint your conkers orange then leave them to dry. Then use your black permanent pen to add the pumpkin faces. Check out the ones we’ve made in the photos below for inspiration!

halloween craft activity


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