We all know how much children love pretend play especially when it comes to shops and food! This is why we have such a vast collection dedicated to it here at Tender Leaf.
Today we have a fun and free sign for your family to print out and make to use in their pretend play shop! So all those customers will now know if you are open or not! Our free printable door sign can be flipped to either closed or open, you choose!
Simply download our printable page, stick it onto card and glue the two signs together. Then all you need is some string or ribbon to thread through the holes ready to hang up! You could use a plastic tapestry needle to thread through the holes or punch the holes with a hole puncher or with a pencil.
You can spy our wonderful play food wicker baskets in the photos here! These wicker baskets are filled with wooden play food and are ideal for home play as well as in nurseries and schools to teach children all about food groups and healthy eating. They have also been designed to work with the magnificent market stall from Tender Leaf. It's epic and we love it. Hope you do too!